
We are
Prepress for graphic production roughly describes what we do but, our miraculous powers are all magic tricks between packaging design and printing – artwork, repro, 3D modeling, photo-shooting, same as packaging production management. We have a huge experience, we are experts in packaging, but our way is significantly different.

Yes, we
We can give you marvelous suggestions for innovative packaging solutions, we can help you save on packaging, we can make you get rid of most troubles in the packaging process, we can digitize and automate a major part of the process… We understand the designer's language and we can translate it to the language of printing while maintaining the artistry of design... Yes, we can do miracles.
Yes, we
We can give you fantastic suggestions for innovative packaging solutions, help you save on packaging, free you of worries about controlling packaging production, digitalize and automate a good part of the process… We understand design language and translate it into print language preserving the design to the maximum...we do miracles.

Relax &
let us pack.
Let you develop new products, strengthen brands, take care of recipes, marketing, claims, and sales growth, and let you conquer the market. We will take care of packaging and everything about it - construction, materials, types of packaging, printing techniques, design, prepress, proofs, models, print approval… everything.


First Regional Scientific-Industry Seminar on Packaging
Three regional universities and Kaligraf conducted the first regional scientific-industry seminar on packaging. ‘Packaging 2024 – Trends, Production, Regulations’ took place on

New Packaging Rules – New Solutions in Production
The third Kaligraf seminar about packaging, held on April 11, 2024, at the Wespa Spaces center in Zagreb, proved that

Kaligraf Joins AmCham as a New Member
We are delighted to announce that Kaligraf has officially become a member of the American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham). This