About us

27 experts
on 650m2

Kaligraf is synonymous with a unique integrated packaging production management system. It took us almost 30 years of work, experience, and development to make it happen. We boast the highest concentration of graphic technologists in the region (and beyond), with 27 top experts per 650 m2. Kaligraf is a proud strategic partner of Janoschka and their spin-off Linked2Brands. They combine global presence, experience and knowledge about branding with the most advanced technological solutions for prepress and packaging production. Together, we expertly tailor packaging from ideation to point of sale, leaving nothing to chance.

Kaligraf's timeline


We are a
compact package.

Sure, we have the latest computers, expensive equipment, and all the wonders of technology, but we believe they are implied anyway. What we are really proud of is us - Kaligrafichars, the best team in space. When it comes to working, we are experts, experienced, and serious, and when it comes to fun, we are foolish and completely weird. In both cases, we stick together. All for one and one for all – the slogan is a bit corny, but it works for us.