Three regional universities and Kaligraf conducted the first regional scientific-industry seminar on packaging. ‘Packaging 2024 – Trends, Production, Regulations’ took place on Thursday, October 3, 2024, in Banja Luka, in collaboration with the Faculty of Technology at the University of Banja Luka and Kaligraf. The seminar brought together experts from academia, industry professionals, students, and anyone interested […]
Ambalaža 2024 – Trendovi, proizvodnja, regulativa
Ambalaža ima važnu ulogu u zaštiti proizvoda od vanjskih utjecaja, uključujući mikroorganizme, svjetlost, zrak, vlagu i mehanička oštećenja, istovremeno osiguravajući atraktivnost na polici, jednostavnost i održivost. Kako bismo bolje razumjeli i upoznali se s najnovijim dostignućima u području ambalaže i njenom utjecaju na sigurnost hrane, pozvali smo stručnjake, znanstvenike i sve zainteresirane na razmjenu znanja […]
New Packaging Rules – New Solutions in Production
The third Kaligraf seminar about packaging, held on April 11, 2024, at the Wespa Spaces center in Zagreb, proved that packaging is currently one of the top three topics in terms of ecology, optimization and rationalization of the production. Most seminar participants come from manufacturing companies, especially in the food industry. The central theme of […]
Kaligraf Joins AmCham as a New Member
We are delighted to announce that Kaligraf has officially become a member of the American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham). This exciting collaboration represents a significant step forward in our business strategy and provides us with numerous opportunities for further growth and development in the global market. As a member of AmCham Croatia, Kaligraf will have […]
Nova pravila za ambalažu – nova rješenja u produkciji
Ambalaža ima važnu ulogu u zaštiti proizvoda od vanjskih utjecaja, uključujući mikroorganizme, svjetlost, zrak, vlagu i mehanička oštećenja, istovremeno osiguravajući atraktivnost na polici, jednostavnost i održivost. Kako bismo bolje razumjeli i upoznali se s najnovijim dostignućima u području ambalaže i njenom utjecaju na sigurnost hrane, pozvali smo stručnjake, znanstvenike i sve zainteresirane na razmjenu znanja […]
Jingle All the Way to Sales: The Impact of Festive Packaging
Year after year, shop windows begin to sparkle with the spirit of Christmas, and it’s not uncommon to see shelves filled with Christmas decorations as early as October. Regardless of when this festive atmosphere begins, the first harbingers of Christmas – nutcrackers, dwarfs, snowflakes, Santa Clauses, elves, reindeer, and colorful lights – have a fascinating […]
Амбалажа – клучен фактор за безбедноста на производот
Ambalaža ima važnu ulogu u zaštiti proizvoda od vanjskih utjecaja, uključujući mikroorganizme, svjetlost, zrak, vlagu i mehanička oštećenja, istovremeno osiguravajući atraktivnost na polici, jednostavnost i održivost. Kako bismo bolje razumjeli i upoznali se s najnovijim dostignućima u području ambalaže i njenom utjecaju na sigurnost hrane, pozvali smo stručnjake, znanstvenike i sve zainteresirane na razmjenu znanja […]
EU Cracks Down on Greenwashing: What You Need to Know
What lies beyond the horizon when it comes to the EU law aimed at combating “greenwashing”? Whom does it affect, when does it take effect, and what can no longer be stated? In March 2022, the EU introduced the Empowering Consumers for the Green Transition directive, with the goal of prohibiting the promotion of deceptive […]
Trend: Fewer colors, more design on packaging
Current trends in packaging production clearly show that the development of packaging is focused on reducing waste, sustainability, and improving the user experience. When considering new solutions, many criteria will need to be included to meet increasingly demanding legislation, which is not necessarily bad news. This will inevitably bring more creative and interesting solutions. What are […]
Packaging – A Key Factor in Product Safety
The importance of packaging as a key factor in product safety was reaffirmed during the second Kaligraf seminar on packaging held on October 4, 2023, at the Wespa Spaces center in Zagreb. Once again, this gathering served as a hub for the selfless exchange of knowledge, information, and expertise among experts and all those responsible […]